• zo zákona môže trvať kurz najdlhšie 12 mesiacov
AM, B1, B
Driving course in english-class
Price could be paid in 3 instalments

  • Age 18+
  • No criminal record
  • Presence in Slovakia at least 6 months from the beginning of your visas (granted temporary residence card).
  • If you’re first grader you can do your exams after first 6 months of your stay in Slovakia. Second and upper graders are fine with this requirement.

  • Individual and professional approach
  • Driver’s license class B, B1 and AM, full course in English and Slovak language
  • Theoretical course 31 lessons, Practical course 34 lessons Simulator 4 lessons, Car maintenance 1 lesson.
  • First aid training in English and Slovak language
  • Administration fees for examination
  • Electronic version of Certified Driving manual, law regulations and final tests all in English
  • Driving school vehicle for training lessons and final examination
  • Final examination – test in ENGLISH

  • A residency card (granted visa) proving your presence in Slovakia for at least 6 months.
  • Medical check from your physician in Slovakia (about 20€ fee*).
  • Transcript of police records from your home country stating that you haven’t been disqualified from driving in your home country or you don’t have a court order about the same matter. Once you get it in English you need to have it translated to Slovak language by official translator – we will help you with that (20€ per page fee*).
  • Administration fee for issuing your new Driving license card after you successfully complete the final examination (6,50€ fee*).
1600 €
Driving course in english-class
Price could be paid in 3 instalments

  • Age 18+
  • No criminal record
  • Presence in Slovakia at least 6 months from the beginning of your visas (granted temporary residence card).
  • If you’re first grader you can do your exams after first 6 months of your stay in Slovakia. Second and upper graders are fine with this requirement.

  • Individual and professional approach
  • Driver’s license class B, B1 and AM, full course in English and Slovak language
  • Theoretical course 31 lessons, Practical course 34 lessons Simulator 4 lessons, Car maintenance 1 lesson.
  • First aid training in English and Slovak language
  • Administration fees for examination
  • Electronic version of Certified Driving manual, law regulations and final tests all in English
  • Driving school vehicle for training lessons and final examination
  • Final examination – test in ENGLISH

  • A residency card (granted visa) proving your presence in Slovakia for at least 6 months.
  • Medical check from your physician in Slovakia (about 20€ fee*).
  • Transcript of police records from your home country stating that you haven’t been disqualified from driving in your home country or you don’t have a court order about the same matter. Once you get it in English you need to have it translated to Slovak language by official translator – we will help you with that (20€ per page fee*).
  • Administration fee for issuing your new Driving license card after you successfully complete the final examination (6,50€ fee*).
790 €

Prečo sa zvýšili ceny autoškôl?

Dôvodom zdražovania všetkých autoškôl na Slovensku je prechádzanie na GPS systémy a s tým spojené zvýšenie prvotného vkladu do GPS vo vozidlách, ako aj v učebniach a takisto mesačné náklady na prevádzku týchto systémov, nutnosť autoškôl vlastniť alebo prenajať si „certifikované“ autocvičisko (prípadné náhradnú cvičnú plochu + trenažér (cca 12000Eur)) a taktiež mať nielen učebňu, ale aj samostatnú kanceláriu na prijímanie žiadateľov a administratívnu prácu. To je len rýchle zhrnutie zmien, ku ktorým kvôli zmene zákona muselo dôjsť a prečo sa ceny autoškôl zvyšujú.

Čo potrebuješ na opravnú skúšku?

Na opravnú skúšku potrebuješ:

8€ kolok (priniesť ho do kancelárie k nám)
30 € poplatok spojený s opätovným predvedením na skúšku (zaplatíš v kancelárii) – v cene je zahrnuté nahlásenie a predvedenie na opakovanú skúšku (PHM, inštruktor, opotrebovanie vozidla)


PRESTOJE – Zrušenie naplánovej jazdy je možné najneskôr 12 hodín pred začiatkom jazdy. V opačnom prípade je študent povinný uhradiť náklady na prestoj – 10Eur. (Zo závažných dôvodov je možné akceptácia kratšej doby)